User Logon and Password

1.   Enter the Logon Name.  When editing an existing user account the displayed name will not be overwritten; a new one will be created.  To change a Logon Name, the existing one must be removed and a new one created.

2.   Enter the Password, which will display as ...*****…. 

NOTE:  Passwords are encrypted and cannot be retrieved.  If a password is forgotten, a new password must be entered.

NOTE:  Passwords can accept up to 15 alphanumeric and special characters [!@#$%&^( )].

3.   Select a Security Level from the valid entry list. 

NOTE:  Security level “A-System Director” provides full access to all system features and functions.  It is strongly recommended that you only allow a minimum number of users level A security.

4.   Click OK to save the logon information or configure the informational messages.

NOTE:  For multi-facility systems, you must assign facilities to the user logon.