Triage Queue


The Triage Queue allows managers to assign an employee triage order for work order assignment.  When active, the triage queue will take precedence over the assignment hierarchy.

1.   Select Tools > Dispatch Center>Triage Queue.

2.   Use Triage Queue – Enable to activate for all facilities.

3.   Facility – Select a Facility from the list to filter the employee list by facility.

4.   Service Department – Select a Service Department from the list to filter the employee list by Service Department assignment.

5.   SpecialtySelect a Specialty from the list to further filter the employee list by Specialty assignment.

6.   Active – Set Employee to Yes to be included in the triage rotation for the selected facility.

7.   Up/Down [Buttons] – With an Employee highlighted in the Employee List, click on the Up/Down buttons to arrange the list to the desired triage order.

8.   Click on OK to Save.