System Settings


Edit System Settings to meet your management needs and objectives. 

1.     Click on the System Settings button.

      Existing setup displays in the list.

2.     DatabaseSelect from the dropdown list.

      This option does not display for single database instances.

3.     Facility - Select from the dropdown list.

4.     Setting [List] – Highlight an item in the list and double click, or click on the Edit Button.  The item appears in the lower table – Edit Setting to allow edits where available.

      Some edits utilize a drop down list, while others permit free form text/numeric entries.

Automatic Login is used as an example.

5.     Save [Button] - Click on Save to continue.

System Settings

1.     Active Directory – Enable to require users to log in with their Active Directory credentials

2.     AIMS Document Folder Physical Path – Enter to allow users to attach documents to work order requests

3.     AIMS Document Folder URL – Enter to allow users to view attached documents on Equipment and Work Orders

4.     AIMS Web Service URL – Enter to connect EasyNet3 to the AIMS instance

5.     Allow Blank Passwords – Enable to allow users to change their password to blank

6.     Automatic Login – Enable if users are not required to log in to create a work request

7.     Default Work Order Type – Enter to use a work order type other than the AIMS default work order type for new work orders

8.     Prompt on other open work orders – Enable to display a message when creating a work order that there are other open work orders for the equipment and asks if you want to view them

9.     Remember Me – Enable so users only need to log in once during the length of the Remember Me period set

10.  Show Coded Problem - If enabled, adds a second problem field with a pre-defined list of problems that the user can select from

11.  Tag Filtering – Enable to filter the valid entry list of tags by the User/User Group settings for the logged in user

12.  Theme – Use to change the color scheme used throughout the system

13.  Use AIMS Defaults – MUST BE SET TO ‘YES’

14.  Use Dispatch Center – Enable, if Dispatch Center is owned, to use Resource Manger Shift and On Call settings for work order assignment

15.  Use HTML for WO Reports – Enable to print WO Reports as HTML vs. Word when using Internet Explorer

16.  Use Location Hierarchy – Enable to force the user to use Location Hierarchy only when adding a location

17.  Use Serial Numbers in Tag Field Search – Enable to allow the Tag Field to search for both Tag Numbers and Serial Numbers

18.  WO Saved Notification Display Time – Enter time, in seconds, to display the work order information popup after a work order request has been submitted

19.  Work Order Form – Used to designate a custom work order form