Security Settings

1.   Click on Security Settings

Security Administration

2.   Enable Logon Password Changes – Gives users the ability to reset or change their own passwords.  If checked, the AIMS System Logon screen will appear as follows.

⋅     Clicking on Reset will dispatch an email with a random password assigned to the employee associated with the logon. 

NOTE:  Requires proper configuration in AIMS.  i.e. Data Manager>Employee>General Information>Email> and Data Manager>Employee>Confidential>User Logon

⋅     Clicking on Change allows the user to change their password.  The username and current password must be entered accurately in order to proceed.

3.   Enforce Minimum Password Length – If checked, enter the number that will be the minimum number of characters that can be used for a password. 

NOTE:  Requires Enable Logon Password Changes enabled

4.   Enforce Unique Passwords – If checked, enter the number that will be the number of times the user must use a unique password before they can re-use an old one.

NOTE:  Requires Enable Logon Password Changes enabled

5.   Password Expiration Days – If checked, enter the number of days until the current password will expire.  User will be prompted daily to change their password once the password is within 14 days of expiring.

NOTE:  Requires Enable Logon Password Changes enabled

6.   Enable Security Logging – If checked, AIMS will record the following events.

⋅     Failed login attempts

⋅     Successful login attempts

⋅     Successful logout attempts

⋅     User password changes

7.   Account Locking – If checked, user will be locked out of AIMS after three failed login attempts within the same browser session. 

NOTE:  Account can be unlocked by an Admin User who has access to  System Access>Setup User.

8.   Click OK to save changes and return to the System Access tab.

9.   Click View Security Logs to view security events.

NOTE:  Requires Enable Security Logging to be enabled