This feature gives you the ability to update equipment inventory information.
1. Tap the Equipment icon at the bottom of the screen.
Using a Bar Code Scanner
1. Tap the Go To button.
NOTE: Make sure the cursor is active in the Tag Number field.
2. Scan the Equipment Tag’s bar code.
3. Tap the Go button.
• You are taken to the Equipment Details screen for the tag.
NOTE: Manually - Use the Go To button or tap an equipment tag in the list to navigate to the Equipment Details screen.
4. Tap the Inventory button.
• You will be taken back to the GoTo feature on the Equipment List screen.
• The current date will now be reflected as the Last Inventory Date.
NOTE: With AIMS User Setting “Prompt on Inventory” enabled, the user will be given the option to confirm and/or edit the inventory settings.
5. Tap Yes.
• Equipment Inventory details are displayed.
6. Enter data as necessary.
7. Tap Save.