Other Available Chart Types


Line Chart

Point Chart

Pie Chart

Pie Chart Additional Property Settings

1.   Style – Select 2D or 3D.

2.   Annotation – Check to display the actual percentage of each pie section.


Gauge Chart

Gauge Chart Additional Property Settings

1.   Theme – Select from the drop down list.

2.   Needle 1 – Select a color.

3.   Needle 2 – Select a color.

4.   Range Type – Select one:  Normal displays the entire gauge range in color; Difference displays the gauge range in color only between the needles.

5.   Maximum Range – Enter a value for the maximum range displayed on the gauge.

6.   Normal Range Selections:

Green Range – Slide the bar to the desired range for Green (“Good”).

Yellow Range – Slide the bar to the desired range for Yellow (“Caution”).

Red Range – Slide the bar to the desired range for Red (“Danger”).

7.   Difference Range Selections:

Range 1 – Green (“Good”) – Enter the data points.

Range 2 – Yellow (“Caution”) – Enter the data points.

Range 3 – Red (“Danger”) – Enter the data points.