Set up rates that Service Providers charge for use when applying non-contract labor to work orders.
1. Click Add to add a new Non-Contract Rate. This rate will default when entering Non-Contract Time to Work Orders.
Add Non-Contract Rates
2. Enter a Name [i.e. Standard, Holiday, Travel, etc.].
⋅ Enter the Rate. [i.e. 1.0 for straight time, 1.5 for time and a half, etc.].
3. Select Labor or Travel to indicate which rate this is. Different Rate Types can be filtered on in reporting.
4. Check Flat Fee if the rate entered is a flat fee. If a flat fee is used, the number of hours entered will not affect the total cost of that labor entry.
5. Select Standard Rate or Other Rate.
6. Check Default to set this entry as the Default Rate for the Vendor. Default rates are the ones that will automatically show up when applying time. Only one rate can be configured as the default.
7. Check Variable if this is a Variable Rate. If checked, the user can toggle the rate to be either Labor or Travel when applying time to work order.
8. Click the OK button to save the rate and return to the vendor control.