The Keyword List provides an opportunity to create an alias list that will resolve commonly used terms to the appropriate Service Department, Specialty and ultimately Employee for ease in work order assignment.
1. Select Tools>Dispatch Center>Keywords>Keyword List to create a list of keywords.
2. Enter a Keyword.
3. Click Add to add it to the list.
4. Click OK to save.
5. Select Tools>Dispatch Center>Keywords>Assign Keywords to associate Keywords with specific Service Departments and Specialties.
6. Service Department – Select a Service Department from the list.
7. Specialty – Select a Specialty from the list.
8. Left/Right Arrow[Buttons] – With a Keyword highlighted in the Keywords List, click on the Right Arrow button to assign the word to the Service Department/Specialty selected.
NOTE: Words appearing in Red in the Keywords list have not been assigned to any Service Department/Specialty.
9. Click on OK to Save.