1. Run the NET_Medtester.exe Interface Program.
2. Click Interface to AIMS.
3. Choose the appropriate Interface Options:
⋅ Create Work Orders for Unscheduled Work: Check to create work orders in AIMS for any unscheduled test data captured on the testing device.
⋅ Allow Only One Time Line per Employee on a Work Order: Check to ignore double entries made by technicians on the MedTester.
⋅ Update Schedule Date on PMs: Check to update the Next Scheduled Date for any PM work orders.
⋅ Require Response/Action Code to Close: Check so work orders are not closed automatically if they do not have a response/action entered.
⋅ Allow Only One Time Line per Employee on a Work Order: Only one labor entry per employee is entered on the work order.
⋅ Leave Failed Work Order Open: Check so work orders are not closed automatically if they have any test that failed.
⋅ Delete Import File After Process: Check to delete the import file after the interface to AIMS has been completed.
⋅ Add Test Results to the Work Order Notes: Check to have the testing device enter test results in the notes of the work order.
⋅ Defaults Failure Code for Work Orders with Failed Tests: Enter the default to apply to work orders with failed tests.
⋅ Defaults Failure Code for Work Orders with Passed Tests: Enter the default to apply to work orders with passed tests.
⋅ Default Non-PM Work Order Type: Enter the default to be used for testing device data that does not include a work order type.
⋅ Default Response for Time Entries on Non-PM Work Orders: Enter the default to be used for testing device time entries on non-PM work orders that do not include a response code.
⋅ Default Response for Time Entries on PM Work Orders: Enter the default to be used for testing device time entries on PM work orders that do not include a response code.
4. Set up the Import File Location. This will likely be the path set up in step 5 of the Import from Testing Device How-To.
5. Click Interface to interface the MedTester output with AIMS. An Edit Equipment Tester Data dialog box will be produced to allow for editing of the information that will be imported.
NOTE: To produce an interface log file that will display the information that was transferred, select the Print Interface Log checkbox.
Edit Equipment Tester Data
1. By default, All Records that will be transferred are selected. If you do not want to transfer certain records, remove the check from the checkbox for that record.
2. To edit the information on any of the records, select the Record you want to edit from the box at the top of the screen. Information in the Edit Record area at the bottom will be refreshed.
⋅ Edit Tag Number, total time, notes (these will appear in the work order notes), worker (employee), or Action/Response.
⋅ Select a Worker or Action/Response and click Update Worker/Response to change the existing worker or action/response data, or Add Worker/Response to append the information to the existing data.
⋅ Once edits are complete, click Update Record or click Reset to undo changes.
3. To import the information to AIMS, click the Continue Interface Process >> button at the top of the screen.