History Log

The History Log in the equipment control displays equipment record changes and work order history for each device. Users can quickly navigate to a work order from the History Log.

1.   Open the Equipment Control by clicking the Equipment button from the toolbar, or selecting Folder > Equipment



2.   Click the History Log Tab.

3.   Enter a Tag Number and press Tab.  The table populates with the equipment’s history.

4.   Click the Print button to generate a detailed equipment history report.  The report can be printed, saved, or emailed.

5.   Click the Setting button to configure History Log settings.

⋅     Display - Select Standard Work Orders and/or Test Equipment Work Orders to display in the History Log.

⋅                      - Select Location to display location updates received from an RTLS system.

⋅     Calculate MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) From

⋅     In Service Date calculates mean time between corrective maintenance work orders (equipment failures) based on the In-Service Date entered on the Information tab in the Equipment control.

⋅     First Work Order calculates the mean time between equipment failures based on the request date of the first work order associated with the piece of equipment.

⋅     Choose an option for Purge History.

⋅     Choosing Yes will allow all history notes available to be purged (permanently deleted).

6.   Click New History Note below the table to manually add a new history note to the log.

Period-To-Date Summary

7.   To filter History Log and totals, enter From and To dates and [Tab].  The screen will refresh, displaying only the Notes and work orders that fall within the date range.

8.   Total for History Log Work Orders displays [Read-Only] totals for the Work Orders, Labor, Material, Contract, Cost and Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) given the From/To filter dates selected.

9.   Last Inv displays the last time the equipment was physically inventoried [Read-Only].                                                 

Expanded History (work order) Information

10. To navigate to a work order from the History Log, double click on a work order in the table. The Expanded History Information dialog displays.

11.  Click on the Go-To Work Order button to go to open the WO Control with the selected WO displayed.

12. Click on the Note button to view notes.

13. Click on the View WO button to view the printed work order report.

14. Choose a Purge History option to indicate whether or not the history for this piece of equipment can be deleted.