Create Export Files
1. Run the NET_Medtester.exe Interface Program.
2. Click Create Export File.
3. Select the Equipment to be exported. You can either export all Equipment with ETI procedures set up, or only the equipment with open work orders.
⋅ If you chose Only Those with Open Work Orders in step 3, you can further filter on the Employee, Service Department, or Cost Center. This will limit the amount of Equipment and Work Order information that will be exported to the device.
4. Set up the Destination Directory. This will be the location of the export files. To change the directory default, click Browse and browse to the path to which you would like to save the export files.
5. Click Create Files to create the export files.
Export to Testing Device
1. Click Export to Testing Device.
2. Enter the Export File Location. By default, the path set up in step 5.
3. Verify the Transport Media set up and click Export.