By default, AIMS procedures are simply a listing of tasks needed to be performed on a scheduled basis, established by a PM schedule on the equipment. If a procedure has one or more tasks for which there are readings taken and you want to record the results of the reading or task, you can configure the procedure to allow inclusion of tasks results. You must first own the Inspection Template optional component in order to utilize this functionality.
If a PM is generated with both a PM with Task Results and a model/equipment type Inspection Template, the PM tasks/questions will take precedence and the Inspection Template will not be included on the work order.
1. Open Data Manager by clicking on the Data Manager Button from the main screen or by selecting Folder > Data Manager.
2. Click on the Procedure Tab.
3. Select a Procedure from the valid entry list and click Edit.
4. The dialog opens to the General Information Tab.
5. Click on the Tasks Assigned Tab.
6. Click Assign Tasks to open the Assign Tasks dialog.
Assign Tasks
7. Click Include Task Results to include Task Results on the work order. Edit Results becomes active.
NOTE: All Tasks will default to No Response required.
8. With a task highlighted in the list, click Edit Results to configure the type of results you will enter for a specific question.
9. For your particular question, choose one of the following Answer Types:
⋅ Select the Ranked radio button and enter a number to provide ranking options. This number will be the amount of radio buttons available for selection on the work order screen.
⋅ Enter the From/To Value Range the equipment can fall into. This range indicates the acceptable value range for the particular task to be performed.
NOTE: AIMS will not limit entry on work orders to this range. Values outside the acceptable range may still be entered. However, if Include Pass/Fail Option is enabled the task will default to “Fail”. It can be manually changed by the User to “Pass”. If the value entered is inside the range, the task will default to “Pass”.
⋅ Select a Measurement from the valid entry list or enter one.
NOTE: Hard coded options include Volts, Celsius, Fahrenheit and Milliliters. Additional line items may be added on the fly by the user; however, these are not saved for future use.
⋅ Select Text to allow the user to enter a text response on the work order.
⋅ Select No Response if no response is required and the Question is simply informational.
NOTE: For instance, one Question could be “Turn machine on and wait 5 minutes before beginning inspection.” Since this doesn’t necessarily need an answer, “No Response” would be the appropriate option.
⋅ Check Required to require an answer before the work order can be closed.
10. If Include Pass/Fail or Yes/No Option is checked, the user has the option of checking the question as either Pass/Fail or Yes/No on the work order.
⋅ Check Required to require an answer before the work order can be closed.
11. Check Allow Close if Fail/No to allow the work order to be closed if the question is checked as Failed or No. If not, the work order cannot be closed until the task passes or is checked Yes.
12. Check Generate CM on Failure to automatically generate a Corrective Maintenance work order if the task fails.
13. When entries are completed, click OK to save the question.
14. Then click OK to return to the Data Manager control.