
Set up PM generation one time and they will auto-generate based on frequency.

1.   Click on the New button to name and set up an automatic PM generation process.

            NOTE:  you can set up multiple PM generation schedules.

2.   Enter a name for the new automatic PM generation process in the Auto Process field.

3.   Select Service Department(s) to generate PMs.

    The Last Generated date displays, displaying the last time PMs were generated for each Service Department.

4.   Select Individual Equipment to generate PMs for specific equipment. 

    Enter the Tag Number to generate PMs. 

    The description of the Tag displays in the adjacent field.

Filter Options

5.   Click on the Filter Options button to filter which equipment work orders will generate.  You can choose one or more filter options.  You do not have to choose all of them.

NOTE:  This step is optional.  Generating PMs without a filter will generate all PMs for the selected service departments.

6.   Select Building(s) to generate PMs. 

7.   Select Cost Center(s) to generate PMs.

8.   Select Manufacturer(s) to generate PMs.

9.   Select Model(s) to generate PMs.

10. Click OK to finalize filter selections.

NOTE:  Otherwise, click Cancel to discard filter selections and return to the Generate PMs dialog.

Generate PMs

11. Accept the Date default or enter the Date for AIMS to use as the initial auto-generate date for PMs.  AIMS will generate PMs with a Next PM Due date (from the Equipment Control PM Schedule tab) on or before the date entered.  This excludes floating PMs that are not yet closed.

NOTE:  This date will advance, based on the frequency, after each auto-generation.

NOTE:  If entering monthly PMs, always enter the 31st of the month.

12. Check one or both of the Bypass Daily PMs Due on… boxes to prevent the generation of daily PMs due on Saturday and/or Sunday.

13. Check Adjust all other PMs due on Weekend box to move PM due dates that fall on the weekend to the following Monday.  These PMs are moved to the preceding Friday if the following Monday is in the next calendar month.

14. Enter the Frequency for this process.

15. Enter the Interval for this process.

16. Leave the Status field blank. 

    Will automatically update to “Scheduled” when the named process is applied.

    Failed PM Generation will display “Failed” if there is an error in the process.

17. Check Generate Incomplete PMs to generate new PMs based on the last closed PM having a response code of the type “PM Not Performed”.

NOTE:  The “PM Not Performed” response must be the last labor line on the work order.

18. When entries are completed, click the Apply button to add the named process to the Process Queue.

19. Click on Close to return to the previous screen.